This is an awesome recipe for banana peppers stuffed with an Italian sausage mixture and baked in a delicious tomato sauce. We get requests to make them...
Sometimes called veal Marsala, this is the classic Italian dish made with thinly sliced veal scaloppine. A recipe typical of Sicily, where the best Marsala...
This is a very simple meal to make. You just throw everything in the crock pot and let it cook during the day. I like to serve this over thin spaghetti...
I have made this recipe and it is delicious. It can be served with plum sauce as well as a fruit sauce. This is actually a short-cut version but it is...
Basic Gelato Recipe...from my Italian mother-in-law. This recipe may be used as a base for your favorite flavors. Try adding vanilla, shaved chocolate...
This is a family recipe that's been made at Christmas time by at least 4 generations. This year will be the first for number 5!!! 'Bubba' brought it with...
A nice zippy chicken curry balanced out by the sweetness of coconut milk. This recipe is very basic and easy to customize to your taste. I have added hearts...
When I made this dish I left the kitchen window open. The smell attracted several male neighbors, and when my husband came in, he said that it smelled...
A delicious and easy to prepare marinade consisting of ingredients that can be easily found at a Chinese grocery store. Don't let the ingredients fool...
A really quick, easy sauce for 'pasta asciutta,' which means 'dry pasta.' It's not a dish over-loaded with sauce, but one that appreciates the simple smokiness...
This is a green curry recipe I've cobbled together over the years. The vegetables aren't completely traditional, but they give the whole thing a good texture...
This is my mom's special homemade lasagna recipe with made from scratch tomato sauce and delicious, cheesy filling. I have found none better anywhere....
This rich meat, spinach and cheese filled manicotti dish is covered with white and red sauces. I offer this on the catering menu at my catering company...
There is nothing quite like authentic Indian food prepared using a traditional recipe. This authentic chicken Madras dish is a must for those of you who...
If you haven't tried this classic holiday dessert because you thought it required advanced baking and pastry skill, then get ready to buche up this Noel,...
My husband and I returned recently from a wonderful trip to Puerto Rico. While there we fell in love with "empanadas de pollo" (chicken pies), that we...
This Sea Bass will melt in your mouth! Delicious, I had this at Blue Water Grill in NYC and it was by far the best sea bass I've ever had in my life. This...
Shredded chicken, fresh cilantro, green chile salsa and jalapeno salsa flavor these sour cream enchiladas. They are very easy to make, and are for lunch...
This recipe has fewer calories because of the ground turkey and amazing flavor! It is a little spicy, but our family enjoys it this way. Because it has...
Creme caramel belongs on the short list for 'World's Greatest Dessert.' The way the almost-burnt caramel layer gets fused on, and becomes one with, the...
This is a classic Thai green curry (kaeng kiau wan) and my favorite curry of all time! You can substitute chicken or tofu for the pork, but make sure you...
There is a great Brazilian sweet that is like a bonbon and extremely scrumptious and delicious called brigadeiro! This is a great type of sweet that is...
Csirke Paprikas is the Hungarian term for this delicious dish. My mom has been making this for 35 years! Recently she went to visit Budapest and found...